Email marketing is undoubtably the most direct and effective tool to obtain customers’ loyalty. If you have a website, you have visitors for sure, few or many, and they’re obviously interested in your contents.
Opportunity to profile intersted customers has a great valute, and if you use tools such as “pay per click” (like Google Adwords) then it is even greater and would be a pity to not use permission marketing tools to collect their informations to reach your aims (e.g.: selling, accounting).
On the other side, unsolicited mails to unknown people is illegal, not worthy and negative for your brand and your site. A mailing to 200 interested clients is better than one to 20000 uninterested.
Here are the few needed steps to start your email marketing for free (with the free version of our bulk email software SendBlaster) or at una tantum price of 85 euro:
- Importing lists
- How to create a permission based list
- Guide for a better e-mail marketing
- Anti-Spam Law
- E-mail delivery rate
- Analyze data